FAQ collection

Looking for answers to your questions about Quantum Fiber? This is the place to start! Browse our full library of helpful Q&A from every corner of our support site. Find details, links, and all the 4-1-1 you need to get the most out of your Quantum Fiber service.

Account & billing questions

Find answers to the most common customer questions about managing your Quantum Fiber account and services, making payments, tracking billing, and more.

Equipment & setup questions

Check out all the top questions about the hardware that brings you your Quantum Fiber connection. Learn more about your modem or SmartNID and WiFi equipment.

More internet questions

Get your questions about fiber internet speeds answered. Learn what you can expect and what you need to know to optimize and rock your Quantum Fiber connection.

Questions about other services

Have questions about Q.com email, Connected Voice, or streaming TV? Start here to learn more about how these services work and what you need to get started.

Learn, work and play your way to the ends of the internet.