Connect now with Instant WiFi

Are you in a multi-unit or managed building? Do you have something that looks like this WiFi access pod (see image) on the ceiling in your unit? If so, you have our Instant WiFi service! Get your top questions answered here.

Instant WiFi access pod

Instant WiFi FAQs

To get started, open your WiFi network list and look for a network called "Get Quantum Fiber." This network will only be visible when you are in your unit. Once you're connected to this network, you'll be directed to the ordering page where you can enter your information to set up a new account and WiFi credentials.

Instant WiFi screen to create a new account

When you create your new account, the "login" field will be your username. You will create two passwords. The first password field will be the one you use to sign in to your account (NOT your WiFi).

Instant WiFi screen to create WiFi password

The second password will be entered in the field for "personal WiFi password" and is the unique, secure password you'll use to connect your devices to your WiFi. This password is different from your account password, shown above.

Click the "sign in" link from the top of the Instant WiFi site and enter your property address to be directed to your property's unique account access page. 

You can also find your unique sign-in site on informational materials that were left in your unit, or from your property manager.

On the Instant WiFi Welcome page, you'll see your property name. Click the button to Manage My Account.

Instant WiFi Manage My Account

After you click the button to Manage My Account, you'll see the Quantum Fiber Manage My Account page. Here is where you'll enter the username and password you chose when you set up your account. Then click the button to Sign In.

Instant WiFi account management landing page

Sign in to your Quantum Fiber Instant WiFi account to change your payment information. 

After you sign in, scroll down to find your current payment. You can either delete that payment method or click the button to edit payment method, as shown below.

screenshot of Quantum Fiber Instant WiFi current payment method

Alternately, you can click to the Billing page and click on "Manage Billing" at the bottom.

screenshot of Quantum Fiber Instant WiFi billing page

Either way you get there, you'll end up on the page to enter your payment information. Simply enter your new credit or debit card number, expiration date, CVC, billing address, and your name.

Sign in to your Quantum Fiber Instant WiFi account to change your account password. 

After you sign in, scroll down to find your Profile and click on the link to Manage Profile.

Instant WiFi screen showing the profile section

Enter a new password for your account, then confirm the password by entering it again. Don't forget to scroll down and click the Update button at the bottom.

Instant WiFi profile screen, account password field

Yes, you can run our speed test on any of your devices, or use any web-based speed test you prefer. Keep in mind these kinds of tests show the current speed on that device only, and will not reflect the total bandwidth of your connection.

With Instant WiFi service, you do not have a conventional modem. Instead, you are connected via wireless access pods.

To reboot your access pod, follow these steps:

1. Find the switch that powers the access point (see image below). This is often found in either a closet next to the kitchen or the master bedroom closet.

Instant WiFi switch box

Switch for Quantum Fiber Instant WiFi

2. Unplug the power adapter from the socket (Do NOT press anything that says “reset”).

3. Wait 5 minutes and then plug the power adapter back in.

4. The light on your access pod should change from amber to green to blue.

Instant WiFi access pod
guide to lights on Instant WiFi access point

5. If the light remains amber for more than 5 minutes, contact us at 877-664-7200 or

Sign in to your Quantum Fiber Instant WiFi account to change your WiFi password. This is the password you use to connect new devices to your Instant WiFi service.

After you sign in, you'll see the Devices section at the top of the screen. Click on the link to Manage Devices.

Instant Wifi home page showing link to manage devices

Scroll down the page to find the Manage Wireless section. Here is where you can enter a new WiFi password, then click the button to Update.

Instant Wifi devices page showing WiFi password

Refer to the table to see what the different colors indicate.

guide to lights on Instant WiFi access point

If your speed seems sluggish or your connection is just not quite right, there are a couple of things you can try.

Option 1: Forget your network

1. Open the list of active wireless networks on your device. Make sure WiFi is enabled on your device.

2. Select the network (My Quantum Fiber) to remove.

3. Click to open options for that network, then select "Forget" or "Remove" to remove the network.

You can also do this to remove all saved networks if your device is attempting to connect to the wrong network, or to reset WiFi if you are unable to connect.

4. Reconnect to the network by re-entering your WiFi password.

Option 2: Reconnect to the Wireless Access Point (WAP) in your unit

1. Disconnect your device from WiFi

2. Wait 20 seconds

3. Reconnect to the WiFi (using the “My Quantum Fiber” network and your WiFi password).

You may get better results if you move your device closer to/directly under the WAP.

Option 3: Wired connection

If you're on a device very far from your acccess point, or if there are walls, mirrors, or other electronics in the way, you may have a weaker signal or even see your device trying to connect to a neighbor's WiFi. You can try a wired connection to maximize your connection speed. Plug an Ethernet cable into your device and into the jack in your unit.

photo of an ethernet wall jack

Ethernet wall jack

If the options above don't solve your problem, please call 877-664-7200 for more help. 

Are you are in one of these four properties: Allure, Evangeline Booth, Mercado, or Village Commons?


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