We meet with your team during the planning phase to learn about your property plans and future needs. Ideally, this happens before groundbreaking or, for facility upgrades, before any work begins.

After collecting site plans, we send them, and your vision, to our engineers who create a pre-estimate design and proposal agreement.
This includes the Scope of Work and outlines responsibilities. Additionally, the agreement covers proposed up-front door fees, gratis areas, revenue share and/or monthly bulk billing.
Post contract, our engineers assess your finalized design to build a tailored solution. Next, the implementation team holds a kick-off call and provides frequent status reports.
Creating a solution
Our team collaborates with you to tailor a unique technology solution for your property that meets the needs of both your residents and infrastructure.
Permit requests
We navigate permit approvals for your project which depend on the local processes of your municipality, department of transportation, and rail authorities.
Off-site and on-site construction
We bring our fiber services to your location, run the fiber lines, and connect them to your infrastructure.
Implementation and activation
Your property's network is set up and our team installs equipment in homes and designated common areas. Finally, we run tests and complete your activation.
View Timeline →
Aunque nuestro servicio de fibra generalmente es una red completamente de fibra óptica hasta su ubicación, en circunstancias limitadas, Quantum Fiber puede necesitar implementar tecnologías alternativas junto con una conexión sin fibra desde un cierto punto (generalmente la acera) hasta su ubicación para brindar las velocidades de descarga promocionadas. Timeline is subject to change.

Testimonial based on existing Quantum Fiber and property relationship or provided as an endorsement when the parties have a marketing agreement.