Charges and fees on your bill

Learn about the different charges that may appear on your Quantum Fiber bill (invoice). These include subscription fees, sales taxes, and some one-time charges.

Your monthly invoice could include any of these items, depending on your plan and account details:

  • Cargos por una sola vez
  • Monthly recurring charges
  • Taxes and service fees
  • Discounts or credits

Exact charges differ based on your location and services.
Sign in online or open the app to view your invoices. Conoce cómo.

Cargos por una sola vez

After you first order and activate service, you will see some initial charges on your invoice. Or, if you make a change to your service that requires new equipment, installation, or shipping, you may have some additional one-time charges. Below are some common examples (not a complete list):


  • 360 WiFi Tech Installation
  • 360 WiFi Shipping
  • 360 WiFi Pods Purchase
  • Backup Battery Installation
  • Connected Voice Equipment
  • Connected Voice Installation
  • Fiber Internet Installation
  • Modem Purchase
  • Unreturned Equipment

Monthly recurring charges

Once your service is up and running, your automatic monthly payments will include recurring charges for your Quantum Fiber services. See below for a list of these standard charges.

Subscription fees

Subscription fees are the monthly charges for your Quantum Fiber services. You will see one or more of these core services on your invoice:


  • Internet por fibra óptica
  • 360 WiFi
  • Instant WiFi
  • Instant Internet
  • Professional Connected Voice
  • Basic Connected Voice


Taxes collected by Quantum Fiber are included in regular monthly charges in most cases. You may see "Sales Tax" on your invoice if it is added separately, as in the case of some equipment. Taxes are imposed by state and local governments and vary based on location and services. Quantum Fiber is required to bill directly for taxes on behalf of the government authorities.

cargo de servicio de emergencias 911

El Cargo del Servicio de Emergencia 911 proporciona fondos para la operación de los servicios de telecomunicaciones de emergencia 911 en tu área. El personal de emergencia debe tener la capacidad de identificar la ubicación de quien llama cuando marca 911. La Comisión de Comunicación de Emergencia Estatal (CSEC), que administra los servicios de 911 designa los fondos para necesidades específicas a las comisiones de planificación regionales individuales.

Discounts and credits

You may have discounts or credits on your invoice, but not all customers will see these. They can include one-time credits, as in the event of an outage.

¿Necesitas más ayuda? Chat with us here on the website, or you can start a chat in the app or the online portal. If you prefer to call, we're here 7 days a week 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CST.