How to set up Static IP on a SmartNID

If you already have a C5500XK SmartNID attached to the wall, use these instructions to set up Static IP. You can sign in to the settings (GUI) for your SmartNID to manage setup as shown in the steps below.

C5500XK SmartNID

Sign in to your Modem GUI (SmartNID settings)

1.  Using an Ethernet cable, plug a computer into the LAN port on the bottom of your C5500XK smartNIDOpen a browser window and type http://192.168.01 into the web address field.

2.  Sign in to the Modem GUI (SmartNID settings) using the Admin Username and Admin Password. These are printed on the sticker on the front of your SmartNID.

Screenshot of SmartNID sign-in - Modem GUI username and password

3.  Select Advanced Setup from the main menu.

Screenshot of modem GUI main menu

Configure your IP addresses in LAN Subnets

Choose your static IP setup option below to see detailed instructions. You can choose the single static IP address option, or multiple addresses.

Select LAN Subnets in the left side menu. Fill in the settings as shown in the table and screenshot below. 

Section 1 LAN subnet name Your choice (no spaces)
Section 2 Interface Ethernet
Section 3

"IPv4 Addressing State" Enable
Network Address Enter from email  
Gateway Address
Router Admin Access Allow
Primary Subnet Access Allow
DHCP Server State Enable
Start Address Enter from email
End Address
DHCP DNS Type Custom Servers
Primary and Secondary DNS Enter from email
Section 4 "IPv6 Addressing State" Deshabilitado

Select Apply to save your settings.

Note: The values shown in this image are examples; yours will be determined by your own static IP order.

SmartNID static IP setup, screenshot of single static IP address

Select LAN Subnets in the left side menu. Fill in the settings as shown in the table and screenshot below.

Section 1 LAN subnet name Your choice (no spaces)
Section 2 Interface Ethernet
Section 3

"IPv4 Addressing State" Enable
Network Address Enter from email  
Gateway Address
Router Admin Access Allow
Primary Subnet Access Deny
DHCP Server State Enable
Start Address Enter from email
End Address
DHCP DNS Type Default Servers
Section 4 "IPv6 Addressing State" Deshabilitado

Select Apply to save your settings.

Note: The values shown in this image are examples; yours will be determined by your own static IP order.

SmartNID static IP setup screenshot, multiple static IP addresses

Finally, to configure your own personal equipment, such as a router or computer, you will need to enter the Start Address (Start IP) into the device's Static IP settings.

¿Necesitas más ayuda? Chat with us here on the website, or you can start a chat in the app or the online portal. If you prefer to call, we're here 7 days a week 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CST. 

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