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Reset your SmartNID and pod(s)

Important note: We are in the process of resetting our equipment to sync with the Quantum Fiber app. Please reset your SmartNID and pod(s) to expedite this process. ​

Step 1 – Press the reset buttons on your SmartNID and pod(s)​

Do not unplug anything. ​

First, locate your SmartNID. Look for the small red hole labeled Reset. Use a paper clip or small pen to press and hold for 15 seconds. Wait 5 minutes.​

The status light on the front will turn solid green once the reset is completed. ​

​Next, locate your pod(s). The reset button is hidden behind the white plastic grill on the lower left side, and can be seen with a black button and silver casing. Use a paper clip or small pen to press this button for 15 seconds. You will see a pulsing amber light on the front of the pod as it resets. You'll know the pod has completed the reset when the light on the front turns off. Please do this to all your pods. Most customers only have one pod, so it’s uncommon to have more. Start with the pod that is connected to the SmartNID, then reset each additional pod one at a time.

Step 2 – Sign in to the Quantum Fiber app​

Sign in to the Quantum Fiber app with your account email and password.

Go to Network and check to see if your SSID and password is populated. If it’s blank or this is your first time creating one, please enter it now. Tap Done at the top of the screen.​

Now, ensure your smart devices are connected to your SSID and password.​

 Screenshot of a screenshot of a computer

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Switching from the 360 WiFi app to the Quantum Fiber app

Q: When do I start using the Quantum Fiber app?

A: The 360 WiFi app is being replaced with the Quantum Fiber app on 8/30/24. On or after that date, you can delete the 360 WiFi app. Sign in to the Quantum Fiber app with your Quantum Fiber account name (email) and password.

Q: How do I sign in to the Quantum Fiber app? 

A: Sign in to the Quantum Fiber app using your Quantum Fiber username and password. If you’re not sure if you have them, enter your email address and request a password reset.

Q: Do I need to do anything to switch to the Quantum Fiber app? 

A: No, your Instant 360 WiFi account and WiFi service information will be moved over to the Quantum Fiber app on 8/30/24. When you sign in to the Quantum Fiber app, you’ll see your Instant 360 WiFi equipment, including the SmartNID and pod. Your network name (SSID) and password will have been copied over from the 360 WiFi app, so you can start using the Quantum Fiber app features right away. 

Q: Why am I seeing a network unavailable message in the Quantum Fiber app?

A: After 8/30/24, you may need to refresh your connection in the Quantum Fiber app before your pods appear. Para hacerlo, despliega hacia abajo la parte superior de la pantalla para actualizar la aplicación o cierra sesión y vuelve a ingresar a la aplicación para establecer la red. If this did not fix the issue, scroll up to reset your SmartNID and pod(s).​


Q: Why am I not able to see my pods in the Quantum Fiber app?

A: After 8/30/24, you may need to refresh your connection in the Quantum Fiber app before your pods appear. Para hacerlo, despliega hacia abajo la parte superior de la pantalla para actualizar la aplicación o cierra sesión y vuelve a ingresar a la aplicación para establecer la red. If this did not fix the issue, scroll up to reset your SmartNID and pod(s).​

Q: What WiFi network features are available on the Quantum Fiber app? 

A: Current features:

  • Información del equipo 
  • Reiniciar módem o SmartNID 
  • Prueba de velocidad 
  • Habilitar/deshabilitar Wi-Fi 
  • Wireless info for devices 
  • Nombre/contraseña de red 
  • Dispositivos conectados 
  • Pod names 

Upcoming features:

  • Perfiles 
  • Restricciones de contenido 
  • Administración de sitios web 
  • Administración de aplicaciones 
  • Búsqueda segura 
  • Modo restringido para YouTube 
  • Monitoring blocked access 
  • Controlar el uso de datos por perfil 
  • Priorizar dispositivos
  • Controlar amenazas de seguridad 
  • Approved sites list (Lista de sitios aprobados) 
  • Protección antivirus 
  • Filtro de sitios web maliciosos 
  • Administrar controles de seguridad 

Please contact us if you need additional help: 

  • Chatea ahora mismo haciendo clic en el botón de chat. 
  • Call the Fiber Success Team at 833-926-1289, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CT 
Cómo utilizar la aplicación Quantum Fiber

A qr code and a qr code

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Q: Do I need the Quantum Fiber app?

A: Yes, the app is required for you to set up a WiFi network name and password. You will connect your smart devices to your WiFi network. You can manage your account from the app or sign in to this website. 

Q: How do I sign in to the Quantum Fiber app? 

A: Sign in to the Quantum Fiber app using your Quantum Fiber username and password. If you’re not sure if you have them, enter your email address and request a password reset.

Q: How do I set up and/or manage my WiFi features?

A: Your Instant 360 WiFi network was set up by a technician and should be fully optimized for your space. You can customize and manage your network using the Quantum Fiber app:

  • Name or rename your network (SSID and password)
  • Give your pod(s) a name
  • Monitor signal strength 
  • Set and manage parental and content controls 
  • Set access schedules 
  • Pausa dispositivos

Q: How do I set or change my Instant 360 WiFi network name or password? 


  1. Sign in to the Quantum Fiber app.  
  2. From the home screen, tap on the network you want to change. It will be blank if you are setting this up.

3. On the Network information screen, tap to edit the network.

4. You’ll see the Network name (SSID) and password. You can change either or both. Tap Done at the top of the screen.

Please know that:

  • You can edit your network name and password at the same time, or just one of them. 
  • When you change your password and/or network name, you need to reconnect all devices to the network
  • Las contraseñas más seguras tienen al menos 8 caracteres e incluyen una combinación de letras mayúsculas y minúsculas, símbolos y números. 

Q: Can I name or rename my pods?

A: You can name your pods to make them easier to recognize.  

  1. From the home screen of the app, tap on Network Information. 
  2. Tap on the pod you want to name. 
  3. Enter the name and tap Save. 

Conexión de dispositivos a la red Wi-Fi

Q: How do I connect my smart devices to my Network name (SSID) and password?

A: While in the app, tap the WiFi symbol  under Networks. Locate (or create) a name and password for your WiFi network (SSID). Connect your smart devices using the Network SSID Name and Password you created. 

P: ¿Puedo utilizar mi módem personal?

R: No conectes un módem o enrutador propio a la toma Ethernet. Agregar uno de estos dispositivos puede degradar significativamente la cobertura de Wi-Fi. An additional modem or router also adds WiFi interference, which can cause slower or intermittent connectivity.

Q: What can I plug into the Ethernet jack in my home?

A: At some properties, Quantum Fiber has pre-wired one or more Ethernet jack(s) in your home. Puedes conectar uno de tus dispositivos a la toma Ethernet directamente mediante un cable Ethernet. No conectes un módem o enrutador personal a la toma Ethernet.

Q: What can I connect to the Ethernet jack in my home? (Advanced user options)

A: At some properties, Quantum Fiber has pre-wired one or more Ethernet jack(s) in your home. To get started, locate your media panel. The panel is typically located in a walk-in closet or laundry room. Open the panel and locate the main Ethernet jack.


Opción 1

If multiple ports have been pre-wired in your home, you can connect one of those to the Ethernet jack. In most cases, your ports are labeled by room. If not, try one port at a time until you find the one you want to use. 

To switch to a different Ethernet port, unplug the cord in the media panel Ethernet jack and plug in the room connection you wish to use.

 Option 2:

If you want to plug in more than one device into the same Ethernet jack, you can add a Gigabit Ethernet Unmanaged Switch with multiple Ethernet ports. Plug the switch into the jack, and then plug the devices you wish to use into the switch.

If you have multi-gig speed, a 10G switch would be capable for higher speeds. (10G switch is not shown in the image)

Solución a problemas con equipos

While your Instant 360 WiFi was installed by a trained technician, things can go wrong, causing you problems with your connections. Follow these troubleshooting steps.

1. Make sure you have power 

It may sound obvious, but you'd be surprised how often this is a problem. Check that you have power to the outlets you're using. Si no es así, prueba con otro tomacorriente o resuelve el problema de electricidad antes de continuar. Also make sure each WiFi pod is firmly plugged in to the outlet. 

Do NOT remove the pod inside your media panel. If the power is off in your media panel, that needs to be restored. Contact your building management. 

For the next steps, you’ll find your SmartNID or modem and primary pod inside a media panel in a closet or utility room. 

2. Make sure your internet connection is working 

Check the light on the front of your SmartNID or the internet light on your modem. ¿La luz es verde? Si es así, entonces tu Internet está funcionando y puedes continuar con el siguiente paso. If the light is red or off, there may be an outage or a problem with the equipment. Chat with tech support for further help. 

3. Make sure the primary pod is plugged in correctl

Check the connection between your modem and the primary pod which is located in a media panel in a closet or utility room or mounted on a wall in your home.

  • Un extremo del cable Ethernet debe estar firmemente conectado a un puerto LAN en la parte inferior del SmartNID.  
  • El otro extremo del cable Ethernet debe estar firmemente conectado a un puerto LAN en la parte inferior del pod de Wi-Fi. 

4. Try restarting the SmartNID or modem 

Reiniciar puede ayudar a solucionar algunos problemas de conexión. Unplug the power cord, wait at least 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Wait two to three minutes for it to fully boot up, then check again for a connection. If the modem or SmartNID does not connect to the network, chat with us for help from a Fiber Customer Success Team member. If your modem is connected to the internet but you still can't get your pod to connect, chat with us for help from a Fiber Success Team member. 

vista frontal de smartNID C5500 o C6500

NOTE: If you have a wall-mounted SmartNID, please be careful when restarting. Do not unplug the green wires on the bottom of the device. Estos son parte de la conexión por fibra óptica y no deben desconectarse. 

After completing these troubleshooting steps, if you still have connection problems, chat with us for help. Our team will determine if you have any faulty equipment that needs to be replaced or if you need an additional pod.

  • Chatea ahora mismo haciendo clic en el botón de chat. 
  • Call the Fiber Customer Success Team member at 833-926-1289, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CT